• Minimální objednávka je 10 ks jednoho druhu
  • Každý sendvič, wrap, bageta či bagel jsou baleny zvlášť
Cena: 0 - 100 Kč

English sandwich with ham and cheese

English sandwich with ham and cheese
Price Price without VAT: 50 Kč
Price with VAT: 61 Kč

English sandwich with salmon and dill sauce

English sandwich with salmon and dill sauce
Price Price without VAT: 50 Kč
Price with VAT: 61 Kč

English sandwich with fresh vegetable

English sandwich with fresh vegetable
Price Price without VAT: 50 Kč
Price with VAT: 61 Kč

French baguette with tomato and mozzarella

French baguette with tomato and mozzarella
Price Price without VAT: 75 Kč
Price with VAT: 91 Kč

French baguette with chicken and guacamole

French baguette with chicken and guacamole
Price Price without VAT: 75 Kč
Price with VAT: 91 Kč

French baguette with salami and lettuce

French baguette with salami and lettuce
Price Price without VAT: 75 Kč
Price with VAT: 91 Kč

Tortilla wrap with tuna and lettuce

Tortilla wrap with tuna and lettuce
Price Price without VAT: 75 Kč
Price with VAT: 91 Kč

Tortilla wrap with herb cheese and vegetable

Tortilla wrap with  herb cheese and vegetable
Price Price without VAT: 75 Kč
Price with VAT: 91 Kč

Tortilla wrap with ham and cream cheese

Tortilla wrap with ham and cream cheese
Price Price without VAT: 75 Kč
Price with VAT: 91 Kč

Bagel with brie, sundried tomatoes and rocket

Bagel with brie, sundried tomatoes and rocket
Price Price without VAT: 85 Kč
Price with VAT: 103 Kč

Bagel with ham and cheese

Bagel with ham and cheese
Price Price without VAT: 85 Kč
Price with VAT: 103 Kč

Nejprodávanější v kategorii

Anglický sendvič se šunkou a sýrem

Anglický sendvič se šunkou a sýrem
Price Price without VAT: 50 Kč
Price with VAT: 61 Kč

Anglický sendvič s lososem a koprovou omáčkou

Anglický sendvič s lososem a koprovou omáčkou
Price Price without VAT: 50 Kč
Price with VAT: 61 Kč

Bagel se sýrem brie, sušenými rajčaty a rukolou

Bagel se sýrem brie, sušenými rajčaty a rukolou
Price Price without VAT: 85 Kč
Price with VAT: 103 Kč

Tortilla wrap s tuňákem a listovým salátem

Tortilla wrap s tuňákem a listovým salátem
Price Price without VAT: 75 Kč
Price with VAT: 91 Kč