Cena: 200 - 400 Kč

Option A

Option A
Price Price without VAT: 355 Kč
Price with VAT: 430 Kč
Homemade sandwiches / baguette / wrapwith chicken and guacamolewith grilled vegetable - VEG…

Option B

Option B
Price Price without VAT: 290 Kč
Price with VAT: 351 Kč
Homemade sandwiches / baguette / wrapWith salami and cheeseWith fresh vegetable and cheese Homemade…

Option C

Option C
Price Price without VAT: 240 Kč
Price with VAT: 290 Kč
Homemade sandwiches / baguette / wrapWith ham and cheeseWith fresh tomatoe and mozzarella -  VEG…

Nejprodávanější v kategorii

Možnost A

Možnost A
Price Price without VAT: 355 Kč
Price with VAT: 430 Kč
Domácí sendviče / bageta / wraps kuřecím masem a guacamoles grilovanou zeleninou - možnost…